25 Quick Photography Tips and TricksI recently posted a list of 25 quick photography tips. Here are 25 more to get you thinking. Enjoy. 1. Learn the difference between aperture and shutter speed and how they work together. 2. If you use a smartphone camera find an app you like and get to know it. 3. When shooting a landscape shot remember that the best shot may be behind you. 4. Organize your computer hard drive and image folders 5. Backup your photos 6. Learn the Rule of Thirds and then break it when necessary 7. Always carry a camera with you 8. Visualize your photograph before you take it 9. Find a photographer(s) whose work you like and that inspires you and follow him or her. 10. Remember that your backyard makes a great photo location. There is no need to travel for good photo opportunities. 11. Look for inspiration around you 12. Don’t be afraid to put the cameras down and enjoy the moment 13. Use quality memory cards 14. Follow the rules where you are shooting 15. Prints still have value – there is nothing like holding or looking at a great print. 16. Learn to deal with noise in your digital images 17. Calibrate your computer monitor if you edit photos on it 18. Remember you do not have to show your bad photos. Edit, edit, edit 19. Take your camera off of program or automatic mode 20. Make sure your batteries are charged before you go out to shoot. 21. Before shooting format your memory card in your camera. 22. Download your images to your computer as soon as you can. The longer you wait the more you are likely to lose them or record over them. 23. Get as close as you can to your subject 24. Keep it simple 25. Learn from your mistakes That makes 50 quick tips. Do you have any to add? Put them in the Comments section. Until next time…… © 2014 Steven C. Sasser all rights reserved. Steve Sasser is a nature, sports and travel photographer based in North Alabama. For further information visit his website www.stevesasserphotography.com or follow him on Twitter at @ssasserphoto. Comments
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